The Orange Clown, like Bozo 'under the big top'

LOVES big crowds, and doesn't hesitate to LIE about the size of them, much like his LIES about the YUUUGE crowds cheering the fall of the Twin Towers, and the number, 3-5 MILLION illegal voters that cost him the 'popular vote. AND, there was the crowd at his innauguration, which was a YUUUUGE lie, but his minions have NO PROBLEM with YUUUGE lies.
He thanks all those that 'came to see HIM', at the Boy Scout Convention, and the victims of Harvey, who 'came to see him'.
The asshole doesn't hold news conferences, but continues to do campaign rallies among the ignorant minions who elected him.
LIES? No problem for the morons who elected him, and he gets energy from the gullible sheep who cheer him on.
 The rest of us? OMG, we always think, 'it can't get worse, BUT, it always does', as he continues to appoint totally unqualified political clowns to YUUUGELY important positions.
The good news? I'm too old and financially independent for the A-hole in Chief to 'wreck' my life.
The rest of you? You shoulda voted, using your BRAIN......


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