As Tillerson and Trump go back and forth on the F-ing Moron issue,

neither of them deny it happened. BUT, the Orange Clown claims he's smarter, and challenges the Sec of State to an IQ contest.
OMG, we are in YUUUGE trouble if Tillerson is dumber than Trump, who claims, 'I know words, I have the best words', before explaining 'Puerto Rice is an island, with water all around it, in a VERY VERY big ocean', where he threw out 'soft, beautiful paper towels'.
Did you realized he (claims) he 'invented' FAKE, when referring to reports he doesn't like, AND he DEFINITELY, according to his ignorant, mushy brain, coined the phrase 'prime the pump'. Yeah, he says 'It just came to me'. Pretty smart, huh? Look it up.....
BUT, the most stupid act from the 'SMART' guy, is LYING all the time, and thinking everyone, not just his mindless minions who don't give a shit or know the difference, BELIEVE him.
That being said, however, it HAS worked for him, cuz in the land of the blind, (Repub sheep), the one-eyed man is King. Yup, King Dotard Drumpf.....


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