I didn't plan on getting upset this morning,

after a fun evening having old friends over for dinner, and with the kids coming over this afternoon, BUT, when I read in this morning's Denver Post about the Ogalalla aquifer, a (formerly) YUUUGE supply of finite fresh water, deep under several midwestern states, incl CO and NE, being DRAINED to grow millions of acres of CORN, which is turned into ethanol, instead of food, it just REALLY pisses me off.
When a YUUUGLY disproportional % percentage of land is used for water intensive corn, instead of all the food crops that COULD be grown, we all pay more for food, so a FEW make a killing, selling us a govt mandated product we don't need, after 'pivot sprinklers', run by diesel motors, sucking up water from the depths and spraying over land that was formerly too arid to grow crops.

1. We don't need the ethanol with all the oil that has been found and delivered through new techniques in the oil industry.
2. When ALL the energy used in the corn/ethanol fiasco are factored in, it takes significantly MORE energy to produce than is gained.
3, This reservoir of precious, fresh water, the largest in the world took millions of years to create is being drained at an alarming rate.
4 All those involved KNOW it's a YUUUGE problem, but no one will take any action against it.
5 The entire 'corn for ethanol' fiasco was created by GWBush(R) to BUY support from the midwest ststes for his bullshit war in Iraq, and has proven so profitable for farmers(R) that no one can/will step in to stop this terrible waste.
6 When (not IF) the next Dust Bowl type drought hits the bread basket of the world, it will be too late. The water WASTED growing corn for ethanol will be GONE, and it's NOT coming back.
7 Those in charge KNOW the problem and consequences but do NOTHING, cuz it's a problem 'down the road', not NOW, which is exactly how politicians work.


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