There is NO DOUBT the climate is shanging
and a YUUUGE majority of scientists, whose job it is to study the data, say that it is caused by burning fossil fuel. The US and world made effective rules to slow down and reverse this destructive trend.
Then the gullible jerks(R) elected the Orange Clown and now the many years of 'clean up' are being systematically reversed.
The Trump administration plans to kill the Clean Power
Plan, the Obama administration's main initiative to fight
climate change by lowering emissions, the Environmen
tal Protection Agency's administrator, Scott Pruitt, said
Plan, the Obama administration's main initiative to fight
climate change by lowering emissions, the Environmen
tal Protection Agency's administrator, Scott Pruitt, said
Reports suggest that Pruitt's primary aim is to eliminate
environmental protections and dismantle much of the
regulatory agency.
environmental protections and dismantle much of the
regulatory agency.
Under Pruitt, the EPA has already reversed a ban on a
pesticide that can harm children's brains and moved to
rescind the Clean Water Rule, which clarified the Clean
Water Act to prohibit industries from dumping pollutants
into streams and wetlands. The agency has also begun
an initiative to challenge climate science, among other
rollbacks. Some of these moves have been challenged
in court, but others are already in effect.
And you wonder WHY I can't stand the anti-sciencemorons(R), who will sell out our clean air and water for
some of them to make a few extra bucks?