In a typical example of WHY I hate FOXNews

we see the type of crap they shovel to their minions, as FACT,
More non-news on the Russia-collusion front came Wednesday, when the Senate Intelligence Committee said it has now verified what everyone knew nine months ago: Russia worked to sow chaos during the 2016 election; vote totals weren’t affected; and no evidence has emerged that Donald Trump was in cahoots with Moscow.
Oh really! We were inflicted with the Orange Clown because of less than a TOTAL of 80,000 votes, spread through 3 states, MI, WI and PA, where it has been shown they were the MAIN targets of Russian meddling and hacking to promote the Orange Clown and disparage Hillary, BUT, according to FOX-PARP, the vote totals weren't affected.
Just once, I'd love to see the Bullshit Mountain whackjobs explain WHY the Russiand wanted/want Dotard Drumpf 'in charge' of America No one even disputes the fact that they campaigned HARD for him, and they won. 


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