In spite of the Orange Clown's move to coal

which is OBVIOUSLY the WRONG way to go, with air and water pollution, and natural gas is WAY cheaper and less polluting, our state of Colorado says, F**K You Trump, and we aren't changing from the clean air/water policies that we all choose to live with.
Those in charge of the state's power assure us that the Liar in Chief's bullshit won't change the fact that Colorado is ditching coal for natural gas.
BTW, screw you, Trumpies, and your bullshit moves toward polluting our air and water so a FEW coal barons cans make blood money, and a VERY few miners(R) can keep their lousy jobs, wrecking our air and water.
Who can't see this?
Oh yeah, the clueless sheep(R).
Some things never change, as the Liar in Chief rewards his followers with campaign promises, like 'Build the Wall and Mexico will pay for it', plus, Repeal/Replace Obamacare on the First Day, Drain the Swamp, and is following that crap with 'Bring Back Coal'.
What kind of ignorant dumbshit swallows this crap?
Oh yeah, the clueless Repub sheep.....
BTW, this same crowd supported the Viet Nam (lied into it, Gulf of Tonkin) War, the Iraq (lied into it, Bush/Cheney) War, and believes in a literal Bible.
Can you say GULLIBLE(R)?
And you wonder why the Repub Bible Belt is the 'low education/income' center of the US?

BTW, in sheep world, the first human's son (of Adam and Eve), married a woman from a neighboring tribe.... And you wonder how they can fall for Trump/FOX bullshit?


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