Seems I'm not the only one.

The other day I blogged about how I WISHED that this part of the country was 'normal' but I know it's not. Instead of a Saturday afternoon, post-football game crowd on the Boulder mall, the US is more like a West Virginia Walmart on a Saturday before Halloween. Well, it seems I wasn't too far off.
Today's USAToday published a Wall St Journal poll of the '50 Best Cities to Live in the US', and 3 of the top 5 (Highland Ranch, Centennial and Arvada, CO) were within a few miles of here. We would have had more, but Boulder, Broomfield and Louisville had home ownership prices that were TOO HIGH to make the list.
Like I say, it's always good to have my opinion validated.

Most liveable: America’s 50 best cities to live in

When I see the Orange Clown and wonder WTF happened?, I just look at conditions (and IQ's) in SO MANY Red States and think, 'no wonder they wanted a CHANGE', no matter WHAT that meant.
PLUS, most of 'em are gullible/ignorant sheep, which is just what you'd expect from a populace that gets their 'news' from Bullshit Mountain.
The good news for them? The Orange Clown is bringing back coal mining and all the good stuff that comes with that. Yahooooo...


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