We laugh at North Korea's 'state TV'

but we have the same thing with the Liar in Chief and FOX.
Bullshit Mountan basically has a one person audience and as long as they keep him happy, he consults them they broadcast what HE wants to hear, as the Orange Clown calls all the legitimate news agencies 'fake news', while the sheep listen in and get their 'news' from a network created by Repub political strategist, and serial sex offender, Roger Ailes.
It's called 'synergy' as FOX feeds Trump and Trump feeds FOX, where facts don't matter and LIES flow like wine. It used to be a big deal if a prez was caught in a lie, now one lie still has fresh stink on it when the next one hits. He MANY times claims to have 'proof', but it never materializes and he's on to the next lie.
No big deal anymore for the sheep. They just keep swallowing and say 'thank you sir, may I have another'....


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