The Orange Clown is many things,

incl vain, arrogant, unqualified and a pathological LIAR, but, he's not stupid.
When he decided to run for prez, one of the first things he did was claim to be a Christian, cuz he knows there is no larger voting block in the US. And if you can find a group who believes in Noah's Ark and the Garden of Eden, they're not gonna question much of anything you say, as long as you can 'blow the dog whistles' on their favorite subjects, like gay marriage, abortion and saying 'Merry Christmas.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s evolution from twice-divorced casino owner viewed warily by Christian conservatives to evangelical favorite defending religious liberty was on full display Friday as he promised conservatives a return to traditional American values, including restoring “Merry Christmas” to the national discourse.

Yup, you can get away with referring to Two Corinthians and calling Communion 'My little wine and my little cracker' and bragging about 'Grabbing Pussy', while being a twice-divorced casino owner who hires lawyers for lawsuits rather than paying his debts.
Just claim the Bible is your favorite book and all is forgiven in the Repub base, Red State Bible Belt.
Yup, the sheep love to line up behind hot-button issues like transgenders using the 'wrong' bathroom, while overlooking MAJOR character flaws, and swallowing the crap that a New York City billionaire shares their 'values'.
Excuse me while I barf....
But, once again, thanks a BUNCH, FOX-PARP sheep, for proving PT Barnum knew EXACTLY what he was talking about.


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