The same network (FOX) who lost it's founder, (Roger Ailes)

and a BUNCH of it's Big Guns, incl Big Bill O'Liar, to Sexual Harassment charges, and totally IGNORED it at the time, and since then, is having a field day with the sleazeball Harvey Weinstein, cuz he's a Hollywood Liberal, which is the EPITOME of the culture war being waged from Bullshit Mountain.
Yup, there have been over a dozen Fox-fired barrages against Hillary, the Obama's and every other Dem who shared a room or stage with the fat perv. At least the lying jerks(R) at FOX have finally pulled down the funniest slogan EVER, and we don't have to look at the 'Fair and Balanced' bullshit as the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party, started by the Head Repub Political Strategist, and full time 'Dirty Old Man', Roger Ailes, created an 'alt-news' network, for those who would rather have their biases confirmed rather than being informed.
No wonder the gullible sheep are so hopelessly/willfully ignorant.


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