Wow, a classic case of 'Who you gonna believe?'

On one hand we have the Liar in Chief, with more documented lies, BY FAR, of anyone EVER in American politics, and his cohort/propaganda enabler, the clowns of Bullshit Montain, shoveling crap/lies/propaganda to the gullible sheep(R) under the name of FOX 'News?'.
These certified liars/bullshit artists are accusing NBC of Fake News, after NBC first told of about Tillerson calling the Orange Clown a 'fucking moron' (which has NEVER been denied) and then passing on the report of MANY people who heard Dotard Drumpf say we need TEN TIMES AS MANY NUKES.
Yesterday he was bragging about his 'Bigly IQ'.
Like I say, 'who you gonna believe?'
AS IF legitimate news needs to 'make up' crap from the worst LIAR of all time.
Don't believe it?
Google 'Trump's 100 Biggest Lies',
What kind of dumbshit believes his crap? Oh yeah, the sheep. Never mind....

Let me just make an informed guess as to what's gonna happen here.
NBC will be loathe to give up thier sources and the Mad Bomber will scream about leaks in his admin, and the clowns at FOX will back him up, until it is SO obvious that the Liar in CHief is LYING AGAIN. BUT, by then the Lying Sack o' Shit will have done MORE stuff SO outrageous that we will have forgotten about these particular lies, which will just be added to the YUUUGE pile of LIES that he has dumped on his unquestioning, gullible minions.
Wanna bet?


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