The A-hole in Chief is threatening

to revoke the license of NBC, and other Fake News outlets (which would only be FOX).
BTW, for the clueless sheep who get their 'news' from Bullshit Mountain, there is 'No Such Thing' as a 'license' for news outlets. It's called the First Amendment and it's total bullshit as the Orange Clown plays to his ignorant, clueless base. Local stations yes, but not for REAL news agencies....
UNLESS, you are in Canada, where FOX is outlawed, cuz it's illegal to broadcast LIES as TRUTH. Really! No FOX in Canada cuz it's ILLEGAL, but not so in the US, SO we have Bullshit Mountain, for the clueless sheep, thanks to Roger Ailes. Really!
Can you say GULLIBLE?
BTW, as good as my imagination is, I couldn't have described the Orange Clown as well as his own Sec of State(R), who called him a Fucking Moron.
PERFECT, Rex, from someone with 'up close and personal' contact with the Liar in Chief.


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