Remember one year ago

when the Pubs were bitchin' about King Obama, using Executive Orders to circumvent Congress? Of course you do and if you are a Pub, I'm sure you were bitchin'.
Well, at the rate he's going the Liar in Chief is on track to issue a MANY, MANY more. even when the Pubs hold ALL THREE branches of the Government?
Have you heard the Pubs bitchin' now, about the new King,
Didn't think so.. Can you say HYPOCRITES?
Usually when the Orange Clown uses 'the power of the pen', it's to declare bankruptcy, after he's sucked all the cash out of it and it comes time to pay the bills.
Crooked, lyin', Russia-backed SOB, but he's got (R) after his name so the sheep don't give a shit.


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