There's a method to the moron's madness

WASHINGTON ― The conventional wisdom about President Donald Trump is clear enough: He’s an infantile, ignorant moron surrounded by a shrinking political base, a phalanx of enemies who used to be friends, and more investigators than the FBI Academy.
But by the end of this week, it was clearer than ever that
if Trump is a moron, he is a moron on a mission ― and
with more method to his madness than his enemies 
understand or want to consider. The tweets are a useful 
distraction ― a kind of air cover for his carpet bombing of 
federal policy and programs.
In quick succession, the president and his small but focused
dead-end gang have used administrative diktats to wreak
havoc on clean air rules, immigration procedures, Obama-
care and the Iran deal, and he's just getting started.


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