The Pubs found a way to punish the Dems, by hitting them in the pocketbook.

Mnuchin backs key provision in Trump tax plan that would hit Democrats hardest

Among those in the plan's crosshairs is a long-standing provision that lets you deduct from your reported income the money you pay in state and local taxes on income, real estate or sales of big-ticket items.
Opponents argue that the deduction benefits the richest taxpayers at the expense of those with lower incomes, or who don't own a home or make large purchases that carry a big sales tax. In other words Blue States subsidize Red States. 
One thing is clear: Eliminating the deduction would hurt taxpayers who voted for Hillary Clinton a lot harder than it would those who voted for DTrump, according to an analysis of voter and tax data.
The disparity is striking at the state level, where the bulk of the benefit for deducting state and local taxes goes to taxpayers in states with higher-than-average taxes and median incomes,, like the Northeast and West Coast, that are larger than the national median.

Taxpayers in California and New York, among the bluest states in the country, would be the hardest hit. Of the total deductions claimed nationwide, half of the benefit in 2014 went to just seven states — California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maryland, according to a report from the Tax Foundation.
The impact is even starker at the county level, where the combined tax burden can vary widely within a given state. Of the 25 counties where taxpayers on average took the biggest deductions for payment of state and local taxes, only two of them voted for Trump in 2016.
As always, unlike what Rush and Sean would have the low income/education sheep believe, the Blue States pay the bills of the 'govt dependent' (welfare, disability, Food Stamps) voters of the Red States. 
Look it up, it's EASY.
Read the entire article and see the charts here:


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