For those who don't understand

Just watched Ken Burns Vietnam Nam.

Some of us grew up in a time when we loved our president, JFK, who was shot and killed.
I cried. for a LONG time. 
Then millions of our generation were sent to Viet Nam, where over 58,000 were shot and killed. Those who disagreed with the 'God and Country War' were sent to prison, and others who protested at Kent State were shot and killed.
Martin Luther King stood up for black rights. He was shot and killed.
Bobby Kennedy then took the mantel, standing up for non-violence and an end to a bullshit war. He was shot and killed. 
Now, after the bullshit (lied into) Repub war in Iraq, where thousands were shot and killed, (and still are), we have the Repub a-hole Donald Trump as prez, and you think we oughta just shut up and take it?
WTF is wrong with you?
Some(R) just don't understand. Never have and never will....


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