The Orange Clown used to bitch about Obama's golfing

and said he be 'too busy' to golf.
Just another in his YUUUUGE pile of lies.
Since taking office, the Liar in Chief has golfed, at our expense, nearly as much as Obama did in eight years, AND he's pocketing the profits as he charges FULL PRICE, and then some, for the Secret Service agents to guard his fat ass, as HIS golf courses.
He, the Trump Golf Courses, has charged us, the US taxpayers, over $137,000, just for golf cart rentals! Can you imagine the SCREAMS from the rightwingnuts if Obama had done anything CLOSE to that? OMG, there'd be blood in the streets.
For the HYPOCRITES R US, or Repubs, this is no problem, BUT, for those of us with a working brain, this is outrageous, when added to the cost to shut down the golf course ($ into Trump's pockets), PLUS over $130.000/ every month to rent a suite in Trump towers, not counting staff, although Dotard has only visited a handful of times.
BYW, profits at Mar A Lago have more than doubled, to over $37 million, as of last month, since Dotard Drumpf's sleaze patrol has slimed up to the public trough.. And this is just a SMALL part of the COST to our country and culture.
BUT, at least he doesn't have a 'private server', although MOST of his Cabinet and staff does.....


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