The Pubs like to thimk of themselves as fiscal conservatives, and they are,

whenever a Dem is in the White House, but get a Pub in charge and it's a whole new ball game.
Like when St Ronnie blew up the National Debt with BY FAR the biggest deficit we had ever seen, outside of WWII. Then there was GW and The Dick, who famously said 'Deficits don't matter', as they blew up the debt, not even counting two unpaid for wars, one they totally LIED us into, and THEN they paid out over $860 BILLION (Ft Knox holds $120 Bil) to their banker buddies to keep our country from completely imploding after 8 years of their 'leadership'. Oh yeah, our homes and investments lost 50% under their genius guidance.
Now, the same assholes(R) have a NEW plan, to cut taxes for the 1%, and toss a few crumbs to part of the middle class, while blowing up the national debt.

Republican leaders support tax cuts adding trillions 

to the national debt now, but had dire warnings about 

it under the Obama administration.

ASHINGTON ― The late 1970s, the mid-1990s and the
period from 2009 through last November have two things
 in common.
The first is that top Republicans spoke with grave concern
about budget deficits and a growing national debt. They
issued dire warnings that the red ink was mortgaging the
nation’s future and inviting economic calamity.
The second thing those years all had in common: A
Democrat happened to occupy the Oval Office. It was
Jimmy Carter in the ’70s, Bill Clinton in the ’90s and
Barack Obama most recently.
But what about the other years, when Republican
presidents were in the White House?
Deficits and debt, for whatever reason, seemed far less
threatening then.
When Vice President Dick Cheney and his boss George W.
Bush decided in 2002 to pursue a second round of massive
 tax cuts, Cheney put it this way: “Deficits don’t matter.”


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