With all the natural disasters going on

PLUS all the UNNATURAL Trump-caused disasters, it must have been hard for Bullshit Mountain to decide on their NUMBER ONE lead story.
No problem for the clowns...
They went with old Harvey Weinstein Clinton/Obama connections, in at least TWELVE separate articles, PLUS the lead, just in case the sheep didn't 'get it'.
Yup, the assholes want to tar Dems with the rotten SOB who abused women, sorta like the Pussy-Grabber in Chief whose sins they IGNORE. Same old shit from the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party, where those who choose to remain 'willfully ignorant' go to get their 'news'.
And you wonder why the sheep are so clueless? They CHOOSE to be.....

Alleged rapist, Hollywood mogul Weinstein’s relationship with Clintons, Obamas runs deep


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