Something the rightwingnuts love to ignore

is the fact that there is NO QUESTION that the Russians conspired to elect the Orange Clown.
The only question, and Robert Meuller is working on the answer, is if the Liar in Chief, and/or his close inner circle, can be successfully connected to that campaign.
Bottom line, we have Dotard Drumpf in the White because of the Russians.

 No matter how much Trump rants about the “Russia hoax,” the 2016 hacking was not only real and aimed at electing Trump but constituted a major victory for a dangerous foreign adversary. “The Russians,” he said, have “succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.”

As for the 'witch hunt', this morning we are seeing the first of the 'witches' brought in to face the music.
Oughta be interesting how the Liar in Chief reacts to the latest indictments, but there's one thing I can guarantee. His responses/Tweets will be full of LIES, and the sheep will swallow them. 
Some things NEVER change....


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