Even those within hos own party(R)

are starting to admit, publicly, what most of us have known for a LONG time. The Orange Clown in the White House is not only unqualified, but DANGEROUS, as the vain, arrogant, pathological LIAR holds the fate of millions in his tiny little hands.
Republican Sen. Bob Corker stepped up his criticism
of President Donald Trump late Sunday, saying the
president was running the country like a "reality show"
and arguing his rhetoric could set the US "on the path
to World War III.
"He concerns me," Corker said, according to The Times.
"He would have to concern anyone who cares about
our nation."
Corker claims Mr Drumpf is running the White House
like an 'adult day care center' and someone obviously
didn't show up for work today.
This from the Liar in Chief's own party and head of the
Foreign Policy Committee. If you're not concerned for our
country, you're either not paying attention or a mindless,
FOXSheep, and within that clueless 24% of.the minions
that would support a rabid skunk if it had (R) after it's


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