The Orange Clown keeps screaming

and Tweeting, cuz Clinton and the Dems hired someone to find dirt on him. Oh really?
Who da thunk that someone in politics would pay to find dirt on their opponent?

At least the Dems didn't meet with the Russians, like nearly ALL of Trump's inner circle. At first they denied (LIED) about the meeting, then when BUSTED they claimed the meeting was about Russian adoptions, and the sheep swallowed it,  (or just don't give a shit), until the Russians admitted the meeting was to find 'dirt' on Hillary. AND, it was just one of MANY meetings with the Russians, on many levels, all denied, until proven, then FINALLY admitted, like Flynn, Trump Jr, Manafort, Stone, etc. Just a bunch of lying assholes(R), who take the lead from the Liar in Chief.

Same old shit from the hypocrites(R), BUT, it keeps the sheep 'distracted', like a shiny object, and they can listen to FOX-PARP, who pounds it into their heads.... Dems Bad/Pubs Good, Dems Bad/Pubs Good, Trump is one of you, he understands YOUR problems, Vote Repub,  believe the lies, etc, etc....
Nothing new here, but it gets SO old.....


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