I try to keep a positive attitude

and there IS something good I can say about the Orange Clown in the White house.
Every morning as I GRADUALLY wake up, I eventually turn on the TV, with the anticipation of seeing the news, (not FOX, I mean REAL news), just to see WTF the jerk has said/done/Tweeted.
Most of the time though, I end up starting my day with WTF!, and I wonder HOW we got in this situation. Then I remember FOX and the sheep who swallow their crap, getting their 'news' from the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party. Sounds like a SMART plan to me. What could possibly be wrong with that plan? Oh yeah, Dotard Drumpf, elected by the Evangelicals. OMG!
Not a good way to start the day, seeing/hearing the Liar in Chief, BUT it does get my brain working, as I head to the shower....


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