You remember Trump's Cabinet appointments?

We knew MOST of them were/are disasters waiting to happen. Bombs planted to destroy the agencies they are supposed to lead, like Scott at the EPA, DeVos in Educ, Perry in Energy and Dr Carson HHR.

No wonder our Sec of State called Dotard Drumpf a 'fucking moron' and NEVER denied it.

I thought Zeinke, at the Dept of Int might be an exception. OMG was I wrong. This dickwad gave a $300 MILLION dollar no-bid contract to 2 bozos from his hometown of Whitefish Montana, and then claimed NOT TO KNOW ABOUT IT OR KNOW THEM, from the huge city of Whitefish.
Part of the contract calls for the Montana workers they are recruiting to get OVER $300/hour to work as laborers/carpenters and electricians, PLUS very generous room and board allowances and free flights (we pay) back and forth to Montana. Trucks and cranes are to be reimbursed to the company at over $600/hour.
And you wonder why the govt of PR is screaming to get them removed, while Zeinke is fighting to keep them, although he 'doesn't even know them'?
And this is just ONE of the no-bid contracts that the Pubs are using to skim $$$$ from the PR disaster. Sorta like the BILLIONS in no-bids to Cheney friends/companies in Iraq.
Also, to pay for such outrageous waste and corruption, good ol' Zeinke is pushing an increase from $30 to $75 for a Natl Parks day pass. Gotta keep out the riff-raff.
The Pubs bitched, screamed and moaned when Obama raised the same pass from $20 to $30.
And you wonder WHY I can't stand the hypocritical assholes(R)?


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