Can you remember HOW MANY WOMEN

were sexually harassed at FOXNEWS? There are a BUNCH!
But, the clowns of Bullshit Mountain ignored it, as their founder, Roger Ailes, who conned the 'Religious Wrong' to become PERMANENT Republicans, was exposed, and then died.
Then there was Big Bill O'Reilly and several more.
BUT, when a prominent Liberal, Harvey Weinstein, who looks like a wad of gum rolled in cat hair, is busted, the clowns at Bullshit Mountain are OUTRAGED!
Alec Baldwin, the Donald Trump-impersonating
“Saturday Night Live” star is annoyed that Fox
News is attacking Harvey Weinstein over sexual
harassment allegations after the conservative
network covered up harassment within its own
ranks by former Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes
and former host Bill O’Reilly.
“The Weinstein Company should shut its doors,”
Jarrett said on Fox News. 
“Oh, so companies with pervasive sexual 
harassment issues at the leadership level 
should shut down?” 
 “Interesting idea.” said Baldwin...


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