We haven't even heard WHO

Robert Mueller's is indicting, but FOX has already decried the action, saying he's overstepping his authority and it's all a political vendetta against the Liar in Chief.
Plus, we have the Orange Clown rehashing the discredited Hillary/Uranium bullshit, that Snopes calls Definitely False.
BUT, it's the Typical Dotard Drumpf strategy of muddying the water, then calling Fake News whenever he or his henchmen get caught up in crimes and lies.
Then the sheep get so flustered they just concentrate on 'them damn Dems', while the Trump/Putin connections get drowned out by more Lies from The Donald. And why not? It works. They totally overlook the fact that Putin helped to install the vain, arrogant unqualified pathological liar, and in turn he's paying them back by dismissing/delaying BILLIONS in Russian Sanctions.
Same old shit as the Pubs overlooked thousands killed by GW and The Dick's illegal war, based on lies, but persecuted Hillary for years over BENGHAZI! Then they bitched about her Private Server that COULD be hacked, but wasn't, while giving Trump a pass on the Russians interfering in our elections on his behalf.
You can't use logic/rationality on the jerks(R) who get their 'news' from the Repub Party's official propaganda outlet, Bullshit Mountain, as they deny science/evolution/climate change/ etc.
You can't fix STUPID.....


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