Looking at the Orange Clown's 'Trumped" up NFL scandal,

anyone with a functioning brain can see how BOGUS, yet TYPICAL it is of the Liar in Chief.
He took a legitimate protest about black men being shot by white cops, with ZERO consequence to the shooters. We all know this happens. Even the Pubs with their heads so firmly and deeply implanted can't deny it, with the MANY videos SHOWING it happen. No cop has EVER been convicted for a wrongful shooting, though it is OBVIOUSLY happening.
SO, Dotard Drumpf makes the protest about disrespecting our flag and hating our country and military, and the mindless minions jump on board. And now he has successfully gotten the sheep to ignore the original problem and disparage the black players who 'hate our flag, country and military' and the gullible masses(R) swallow his plan while the Orange Clown sits in the White House gloating about how his latest lie/scandal worked for the low-information 'Patriots', while FOXLies stokes the fires and bangs the drums of nationalism, in their constant war to successfully divide our country.
Some things never change....
BTW, for the morons who say 'The anthem is the WRONG time to protest, I say, WHEN, then? During a 3rd and 2 play? When the game's over, or at home in the closet? Think about it brainiacs...
It reminds me of the Viet Nam 'Bullshit War' years, where anyone who was against it, as in those who were the cannon fodder/our age group, protested and were SHAMED by all the God and Country PATRIOTIC crowd.
Now tell me who was right?


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