The Pubs are bitchin'

cuz the Dems hired someone to find dirt on Trump, and he came up with a 'dossier' filled with dirt and more. Duh.....
This was the same time that 'All the president's men', (incl son and son in law and campaign mgr) were meeting with the Russians, MANY times, (though they denied it all, it was undeniably proven), and then they came up with excuses like, 'we were meeting about Russian 'adoptions'.
Who swallows the Pub crap? Oh yeah the sheep.....
BTW, you ever wonder WHY Russia/Putin worked SO HARD to elect the Liar in Chief?
Hint: He has fought and is STILL fighting to keep 'Sanctions' from being implemented, which cost the Russians BILLIONS, when/IF they happen, but the Orange Clown FIRED the entire staff of the agency charged with enforcing those sanctions. Nice investment, Vladimir....
PS Every US intel agency (at least 17) agrees that Russia interfered in the US elections, in Trump's favor, but so far can't PROVE he helped them. Be patient....


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