There's a reason he's known as LIAR in Chief

and his lies on the Iran deal are typical. He continually says 'WE" paid Iran $1.7 Billion dollars, which is total bullshit, but the nothing new. When the US first put sanctions on Iran, part of the sanctions included 'freezing' ALL bank accounts and pending business deals in the US, with Iranians, and there were a bunch, most of them totally innocent.
These accounts remained frozen for decades while the individual cases worked through world courts, while the 'rule of law' gradually prevailed.
SO, as part of the Iran Deal, negotiated by the US and other major powers, after years of diplomatic work, that money was 'returned' to the Iranians who had it confiscated. If it was not returned then, a YUUUGE interest penalty would be added to it.
BUT, according to the LIAR in Chief, we GAVE a bunch of cash to Iran, and this lie is perpetuated to the sheep who swallow FOXNews,
Can you blame the sheep for being ignorant? OF COURSE! They CHOOSE to be ignorant by their gullibility in getting their 'news' from the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party.
What do you expect? Fair and Balanced reporting?
Nothing new here, just another example of FOX/Trump bullshit. swallowed by the minions....


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