We all know (though some won't admit), that Trump is a f***k'ing moron,

BUT, we just found out why Sec of State Tillerson called him that, in front of at least three witnesses.
Seems Dotard Drumpf was looking at charts of nuclear arms and he came up with the idea that we needed to increase our stockpile TENFOLD. That's when Tillerson told him what he thought of him. Mind you, this is in front of three members of our military, who have gone 'on the record' to verify it. BUT, the Liar in Chief is falling back on his favorite defense, calling it Fake News, cuz it works for his low information, gullible, ignorant minions.
As far as the IQ contest that the Orange Clown proposed yesterday, his frumpy mouthpiece, Sarah Hunkameat says it was just a 'joke'. She's wrong, again. Trump is a joke, but his comment was serious.
Thanks again, rightwingnut Evangelicals for inflicting this lying sack o' shit upon our country. You should be SO proud, esp if he gets his way and we ramp up nuclear arms TENFOLD as he requests.
Thankfully there ARE adults in Washington, just not in the White House.


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