For the morons who don't understand

Rex Tillerson, (one of the FEW qualified cabinet members), shows there's a YUUGE reason he called the Orange Clown a 'fucking moron'.
There's a reason, the Sec of State can't continually be undermined by the Liar In Chief, when he' s
speaking with the authority of the US.
Who can't see this?
Something SO obvious!
The Sec of State makes a deal, then the Liar in Chief says 'NO'.
Bottom line, if you can't see this, you(R) are also a fucking moron, and probably voted for Dotard Drumpf.
Some things, like ignorance(R) never change, and the rest of us have to live with it, as we now have the Orange Clown as prez of the US.
BTW, Note that Tillerson NEVER denied calling the Liar in Chief, a fucking moron.


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