BTW, did you see

where the Liar in Chief said, We're Bringing BACK Merry Christmas, (before it's even Halloween) and his idiot minions said Amen, and YouTube had a video of Obama saying MC 22 times.
BUT the jerks(R) are convinced there's a War on Christmas and they're culture warriors. Can you say Clueless?
BTW, what kind of brain, or lack thereof, gets their 'news' from a propaganda network created by the Political Strategist of the Repub. Party,  sex offender Roger Ailes? Oh yeah, the kind of brain that never learned to think, and believes in Noah's Ark and voted for Dotard Drumpf, and has thinking people all over the world, incl Europe, wondering WTF happened in the USA?
And we gotta explain, well there's a propaganda network that low IQ people swallow, etc......


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