It's sorta like finding the BIGGEST/WORST Trump LIES,

difficult, cuz there's SO many. BUT, someone saved me the trouble of finding the 15 most delusional hosts at Bullshit Mountain.
Thanks new-man2.
Can you believe there are gullible/clueless sheep 'out there' who actually swallow this crap?
It's the best explanation of how we got Dotard Drumpf as President of the US.
Gullible idiots....

submitted   by new-man2
  1. Sean Hannity falsifies footage of tea party protest
  2. Megyn Kelly declares Santa Claus is white
  3. Gretchen Carlson questions free SpongeBob SquarePants books being given to kids because of global warming
  4. Tucker Carlson believes Democrats came up with the concept of sexual harassment to take down the Republican party
  5. Stacey Dash says we should get rid of Black History Month and BET
  6. Andrea Tantaros says she’d look fabulous on a food stamps diet
  7. Greg Gutfeld calls fossil fuel a ‘renewable energy’
  8. Glenn Beck tries to call government under Obama an ‘oligarchy’ but misspells it
  9. Charles Payne claims The Lego Movie is anti-business
  10. John Stossel believes store prices should rise around emergencies like Hurricane Harvey
  11. Bob Beckel doesn’t seem to think rape on campus ever happens
  12. Bill O’Reilly doesn’t believe poor hungry children in America exist
  13. E.D. Hill accuses Barack and Michelle Obama of “terrorist fist jab”
  14. Geraldo Rivera blames Trayvon Martin’s murder on his hoodie
  15. Brian Kilmeade says Americans aren’t ‘pure’ because they’re marrying 'outside their race and species'.

BTW, Hannity and O'Reilly should each get their own list of Top 20 Lies.
This just in; Big Bill paid $32 MIL to settle his SIXTH (that we know of) sex harassment lawsuit. following in Roger Ailes footsteps.
But, like the Liar in Chief's sex harassment claims (at least 12) they're ALL lying, (HA!),
BUT, (like Noah's Ark and Adam and Eve stories), the sheep BELIEVE in their innocence, even after the Pussy Grabber admitted his favorite method of attack.
What does it take for these morons to remove their deeply and firmly implanted heads?


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