I can understand being a Repub

IF you are a one percenter, OR if you were dropped on your head as a child OR if you believe the crap from Bullshit Mountain.
Other than that, why the hell would ANYONE, (other than the same people who believe in Noah's Ark and the Garden of Eden, while NOT believing in evolution, science and climate change), actually believe the crap that comes out of the Liar in Chief's mouth?
I can show you over a hundred easily documented LIES, or you could Google it.
Never mind, I'm trying logic on the crowd that thinks the planet is 6000 years old, and snakes talk.
That's the low income/education, opioid addicted, welfare check cashing, Food Stamp shoppers, FOXLies believing Bible Belt crowd that gave us the Orange Clown.
And they think they are normal and SMART, cuz their ignorant neighbors reinforce their gullibility.
Never mind..... Enjoy your time with Dotard Drumpf.
It's just too bad the rest of the country has to suffer for your gullibility/ignorance.


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