To stay sane, which is Job One, I've got to stop

deluding myself. I look at the Liar in Chief and think 'WTF Happened?', cuz I like to think I live in a normal world. A world where people meet on the Boulder Pearl Street mall after a football game, under a clear, deep blue sky, right where the Flatirons begin the Rocky Mountain view, and have a craft beer or dark coffee with friends, surrounded by craft shops and Art in the Park.
If only that was the NORMAL world.....
I happen to live in the bluest part of a Blue State that is hardly indicative of America today. A more realistic view of our country would be a Walmart on a Saturday afternoon before Halloween in West Virginia, or, an 'All You Can Stuff in Your Face' buffet after Sunday Morning services in the Bible Belt where they bitch about spoiled NFL players who hate the military and our country, before returning in time to hear Rush and Sean explain how Liberals have ruined the country that Jesus gave us.
Yup, MY America is different from the REAL America, where a pathological LIAR who brags about grabbing pussy and has been sued THOUSANDS of times for not paying his bills just got elected by the sheep who get their 'news' from a propaganda network created by the former head Republican Political Strategist, and those same people see that Russia helped to elect him (ever wonder WHY?) and don't give a shit.
THAT is America today and there's nothing I can do, other than my pathetic whining on FamGuyToday.
SOOO, in my effort to stay sane, that's what I do, instead of following my baser instincts and heading to Wash DC or Mar A Lago to save my country from the clown that was elected by the Saturday afternoon Walmart crowd(R) that is the new normal, for a YUUUGE part of the country.


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