in Iowa, where he's fighting it out with another nutball, for the number one spot in a 'God and Guns' state, where he considers himself to be a champion of both, a place that depends of Fed subsidies for ethanol, which is 'worse than worthless', but effective, as a 'carrot on a stick', for the rightwing, rural, religious residents. The ad shows Ted standing before Congress looking very important, but, the pic doesn't show he's there, by himself, with no one wanting to hear him read 'Green Eggs and Ham', as the rightwingnut effectively 'shut it down', (the country that is), costing huge amounts of money and creating mass inconvenience, as the greaseball threw a tantrum about Obamacare, which had already passed, and had NO chance of being repealed. But, Mr Buttface got a LOT of publicity, for himself, and like a 'magnetic turd', he attracted 'birds of a feather who flock together', in their efforts to create havoc by ...