Wow, Big Oil is freakin' out,

cuz a barrel is around $35. Before GW (Repub Texan) invaded the oil basket of the world, on trumped up lies, a barrel of oil sold for $14. BUT, after 'shock and awe', the Big Oil Boys(R) were able to rape the American people at the gas pump, where a fill-up went from under $20 to over $80. Multiply that by hundreds of millions of fill-ups over MANY years and maybe you can figure out why I can't stand GW, The Dick and FOXNews who engineered one of the largest 'transfers of wealth' in modern history. And this doesn't even count the tens (or hundreds?) of billions of dollars that 'ethanol' has cost, (plus the invaluable water that was 'wasted'), in another Repub fiasco.
Unbelievable how the sheep can't see what is SO obvious, but that's why they're sheep, which is a one word definition of 'Not a Clue', as the little people vote Repub, supporting the crooks, so they can fight gay marriage and 'protect themselves' form a terrorist shooting (1 in 20 million chance), as FOXNews convinces them about what's 'important'. Sickening, but SO Republican....


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