Interesting Denver Post this morning,

with one of the major articles (incl lots of pics) about Ryan Johanningmeir, who was an All-American lineman at CU during their glory years and was our neighbor (across the back fence) in Lafayette. I didn't realize he had died this year, at 38, from a prescription med overdose, but I can understand, after reading about all the pain he endured, from multiple football injuries, and multiple back surgeries. Tough life and interesting article. Then there was the 'first in a series' about the effects of legal marijuana, two years into the 'great experiment'. The author says many states and countries are joining us 'in the tunnel', but Colorado is leading the way, without a map or flashlight. As always, I have mixed feelings about cannabis. An adult shouldn't be jailed if he/she decides to partake, BUT, it isn't like having a beer or cocktail, and is not for youngsters, esp with the powerful strains available these days. Gray area, with positives, such as FINALLY being able to legally do medical research, cuz it definitely has medicinal properties, BUT, I don't like the idea of more stoned drivers on the road. Good news, bad news, just like real life...
Then there was the George Will political piece, as he predicted the end of the Repub party (a GOOD thing), if Trump gets the nomination. George acted like The Donald hi-jacked the party, when, in fact, he's just exposing them for what they are. A FAR right conservative group, with a collection of  rabid rightwingnut, racist, ignorant, middle-class killing, militaristic, anti-science, anti-women, uneducated, loudmouth, simplistic, FOXNews believing, Bible thumping sheep, that created a monster, who is BY FAR their fave candidate, but now they bitch about 'what happened?' Bottom line, it's really funny, and cosmically perfect, as the chickens come home to roost, in a party full of hypocrites. Have I mentioned the fact that I LOVE the idea of a third party, which WILL happen if Donald isn't the Pub nominee? Repub nominee, or third party, that sound you hear is the Repubs being flushed down the political toilet. Sweet music to the ears of anyone/everyone who loves this country. YAHOO!


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