In a typical example. of FOX/PARP reporting,

Hillary was late getting back from a restroom break, because the women's room was WAY further away than the men's, being approx a 2 minute walk, each way. The Donald called it 'Disgusting! Too disgusting to even talk about.'
Then, FOX/PARP put their own 'spin' on it, saying Hillary 'refused to enter' the restroom cuz there was someone in one of the other stalls. That woman was subsequently identified and she and Hillary both vehemently denied the bogus FOX 'news' bullshit.
Just a typical day of reporting from Bullshit Mountain, feeding the sheep total crap, making them feel 'informed', although they 'don't have a clue', they've been lied to, AGAIN. Nothing new here, but a GREAT example of 'how it's done', on Bullshit Mountain, the 'Fair and Balanced' home(R) of unmitigated bullshit.


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