Today's Repub Quiz Question
What does Mitch Daniels have in common with John Kasich?
Answer: They are both former Repub Governor's, well qualified, presidential candidates(R), who 'Didn't/Don't Have a Chance!', as the rightwingnuts(R) vote for their favorite whackjob, with this year's nutcases being Dr Ben, followed by The Donald and The Ted, in the tradition of former Pub faves, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum and Hermann Caine.
Wow, who can argue with the Repub penchant for picking presidential JOKES, in their 'Battle of the Brainless'? Who ARE these people? Oh yeah, the FOX/PARP sheep. Never mind....
Answer: They are both former Repub Governor's, well qualified, presidential candidates(R), who 'Didn't/Don't Have a Chance!', as the rightwingnuts(R) vote for their favorite whackjob, with this year's nutcases being Dr Ben, followed by The Donald and The Ted, in the tradition of former Pub faves, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum and Hermann Caine.
Wow, who can argue with the Repub penchant for picking presidential JOKES, in their 'Battle of the Brainless'? Who ARE these people? Oh yeah, the FOX/PARP sheep. Never mind....