Yahoo!, the rightwingnuts oughta be happy

cuz the prez called the last CA shooting 'terrorism'. Yahoo! Now you can't bitch like you did after BENGHAZI!, cuz you didn't like the semantics. Listening to, and believing (why?) FOX/PARP, you'd think the US has been successfully brought to our knees, sorta like after 9-11, when GW was told that Bin Laden planned to attack, using airplanes. But no, we have been safe, and the economy has thrived, TOTALLY unlike FOX/PARP has reported. Nothing new here, as the propaganda arm of the Repub party 'catapults the propaganda' (GW's words) that the sheep wanna hear, and can depend on hearing, from FOX/PARP. Insane, but if I gotta explain it, you won't understand, as the rightwingnuts believe the crap from FOX, that has no basis in reality, as our economy is the best in the world, and our country has been protected for over 7 years, totally unlike what happened with GW and The Dick, and totally unlike what the rightwingnut idiots told me would happen, over and over again. (and I hope you know who you are).
Oh heck, if you don't understand that, you won't understand anything, like a typical FOX/Sheep, who doesn't have a clue and never will...
PS Read this again, you rightwing nut jobs, and see if you can understand something that is WAY obvious to a thinking person, but probably NOT to you.
PS Wow, I musta been really upset when I wrote this, but sometimes I get that way when I read tripe from FOX/APRP, and realize the sheep actually believe the crap from Bullshit Mountain.


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