As I watch Bailey,

who is all 'nipped up', after convincing us she wanted some catnip, I think of Becca, (Ted and Kari's cat) who couldn't care less about catnip. I imagine cats/animals are just like humans, as medicine/drugs effect (or affect?) them differently. Whether it's Advil/Tylenol, Claritin, Benadryl, Tramadol, pot, alcohol or whatever, I know that people react totally differently to the same 'drug'. Interesting, as is shows we are all wired differently, which shouldn't surprise anyone, Nothing new here, but something for the rightwingnuts to consider, as they have a beer, while thinking pot smokers should go to jail, cuz they can't handle/don't appreciate a toke. Thankfully, the nation is evolving, in spite of the rightwingnuts, who don't have a clue, as they bow before Bullshit Mountain.


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