As I posted earlier, I tried, but couldn't

stand to watch the Repub debate, as the clowns took turns pandering to the lowest common denominator of the electorate, which is their base, by trying to scare them into 'Vote For Me' and I'll PROTECT you. Can anyone else see the ridiculousness of their message as they try to simultaneously portray America as the The Greatest Nation EVER on Earth, at the same time saying how weak we are, brought to our knees by a bunch of semi-literate camel jockeys? The good news, after reading lots of 'reviews' of 'the clown car comedy show' was that 'the Dems are salivating', knowing that none of the clown crew can appeal to a majority of the electorate. Sure, thy can bluster and bullshit their way to the Repub nomination, but then what? Of course they'll do what all Pubs do, by renouncing their 'life-long core beliefs', trying to appeal to more than their Red State, low information, Bible Belt base, but it'll be too late by then, as minorities, (most) women and 'the educated' are repulsed by the racist, anti-science, militaristic 'winner' of the clown car competition.
Overall the clowns(R) are laughable at the same time they are scary, but are ultimately unelectable. Thank God, cuz our country couldn't survive another administration like GW and The Dick(R). Remember 2008? Good, cuz the Pubs are gonna spend hundreds of millions, trying to make you forget. Good luck, Koch bros....


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