Good article on Politico this morning,

about Donald and a possible third party run, although he promised (ha ha) he wouldn't. He can go through over 2/3 of the sate primaries, and if he doesn't like his position, or the Repub party (who would freak out if he's still ahead) treatment of him, he could pay his own way, (approx 3 million) BUT, he'd have to get at least 80,000 signatures in each state, which wouldn't be hard, cuz I know I (and lots of other non-Repubs) would GLADLY sign the petitions. Seems like a win/win from here. If he's the Pub candidate, they lose. If he's not, he goes third party (just look at his HUGE ego) and they lose.
Yahoo!. Finally payback for the idiot/egomaniac Ralph Nader, who siphoned off 3% of the vote, and we got Bonehead Bush instead of Al Gore, and we all know how that turned out. Total disaster...
SOOO, with all trends (minorities, female, educated, young voters) going against the Pubs, this looks like the last election they will even have a chance at, as their old, white, male, anti-science, 'thumper' base slowly. but surely declines, and The Donald will not be denied. Should be fun to watch...


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