There are basically two kinds of people

Pubs/Dems, conservatives/liberals, those who think getting killed by a terrorist is a real problem, (as they believe the crap from FOX). and those who can do math, (1 chance I n 20,000,000). Nothing new here, but never quite so obvious, as the sheep cower in fear, looking to The Donald or Sleazeball to 'protect' them. Would be funny, if not so sad, cuz the low info sheep actually vote, in LARGE numbers. The same 'mathematically challenged' idiots who buy lottery tix to get rich, vote straight Repub. Would be defensible, until you realize how LOW the average American IQ actually is, and how the Pubs have found a way to tap into it, by screaming 'Terrorist' through FOXNews, and the sheep fall in line. Scary, but very real....Surprise! They are the same ones who believe ALL the Bible stories, and FOX/PARP bullshit. I'm shocked! Not really, and a tip of the hat to Karl Rove, the evil genius, who tapped the Repub party into the literal  Bible believers. GENIUS move, that elected GW, and the Bushies, a disaster for the American people.


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