'The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.'

Can you imagine the howls and screams from the rightwingnuts at FOX/PARP if Obama used the same words that Winston Churchill so famously uttered during WWII, when England had MUCH more to fear than we do, today? The Bullshit Mountain pundits would laugh themselves silly, calling the prez naive, weak, incompetent and many other names as they'd vilify him endlessly, with all their snarky comments. You KNOW they would, cuz that's what they do, at FOX, the Propaganda Arm of the Republican Party. And the sheep love it, as they fall in line, just knowing that EVERYTHING Obama and the Dems do is horribly wrong, and the Pubs could do EVERYTHING much better, cuz that's what's crammed down their throats, day after day, EVERY day. BUT, those of us that can remember what it was like in 2008 see it a bit differently, as our economy crashed, in SO many ways, and we had 2 wars raging, screwing up the middle east, based on lies, before GW and The Dick were run outta town with a 22% approval rating.
Now, the Pubs wanna return to the scene of the crime, as the Big Blowhard leads the way and the low info, rabid sheep cheer him on. Damn, it hurts to even think it about it, but, compared to the clown car candidates, the Dems look look invincible, which is good, cuz our country couldn't handle another Repub administration.


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