I can understand

why nearly everyone, on both sides of the aisle, want to do SOMETHING to stop all the shootings in the US. We live in a 'microwave/Google' society where we can get nearly instant gratification and like to feel there is an answer to anything/everything, if we just try hard enough and make/enforce more rules and regulations. The sad thing about the shooters/bombers, is that there is NOTHING we can do to stop the violence. Sure, we can make it harder in the future for some of the nutjobs to get weapons, and stop some through better surveilance, but there are already hundreds of millions of firearms out there and there are millions of sicko/crazies who can snap at any moment, as well as religious nuts who think they are gonna be rewarded in the 'next life' so they don't care about this one.
Bottom line, it's sad, but true, that in the US, the most violent nation on earth, where millions play 'shoot 'em up' video games, are riled by FOX vitriol and hate those who don't agree with them politically, and a medical system that jails, then releases those with profound mental illness, rather than treating it, coupled with an internet that will connect extremists with Jihadists on the other side of the world/country/town, we are gonna suffer more killing of the innocents.
 I'd love to say/think there's a solution, but sadly, there isn't. Sure, we can take out some, but there are LOTS more, waiting to take their place, many of them expecting to be rewarded with 72 virgins.


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