FOX/PARP asks and answers a burning question this morning

Bill O'Reilly wonders, 'Can Anyone Save America?' Thankfully, according to Bullshit Mountain, America CAN be saved, but only if we act quickly and elect all Republicans. Thank God there's hope for us, and thank you, Big Bill for explaining HOW we can save ourselves.
OK sheep, now you can rest assured and get back to your minimum wage jobs....
This just in, from FOX/PARP, today: 'Judge' Andrew Napolinutjob says he has NEW INFORMATION that Hillary broke Federal laws with her private e-mail. STAY TUNED, sheep, as the Pubs go for ANOTHER Congressional hearing.
PS Andrew suffers from a rare disease that causes his hairline to move down his forehead, every time he lies. Is getting difficult to see where his eyebrows begin...


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