I tried, I really did,

but it just pisses me off, as the Repub clownsR) are fighting for the nomination, by scaring the sheep, as if the US was a smoking wasteland, cuz the Dems couldn't defend the country. What kind of idiot can't see the lies and bullshit, as they ignore the REAL issues and focus on fear? Oh yeah, the FOXSheep. Never mind, as every one of the clowns' MAIN issue is ISIS, not the economy, which effects EVERYONE, not the one in 20 MILLION, who could be a terrorist victim. Absolutely INSANE, but SO Republican, as they avoid reality and pander to the ignorance of the rightwingnuts. Nothing new here, but really scary, as all these idiots act like the US had been successfully attacked. Nope, that was under GW and The Dick, on 9-11....
Again, if I gotta explain, you wouldn't understand... The Repub Big Deal? Odds of 1 in 20,000,000, and that's what the sheep are concerned about. UNbelievable, as the sheep are led around by fear, that has MUCH less chance of happening than being hit by lightning, twice in the same day. No wonder the Pubs are against science/education, as they pander to the double digit IQ crowd., who worry more about getting attacked by a terrorist, than getting a job.


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