Jerry Seinfeld has a (fairly) new show,

called something like 'Car Comedians and Coffee', and they had an excerpt on the nat'l news (not FOX, but 'real' news), about Jerry going to the White House, picking up the prez and going for a ride. What made it memorable was the car, a silver-blue, '63 Corvette, split-window coupe, just like the one I drove in college, after I spent ALL my student loan money on my 'dream car'. Was pretty cool to see the interior and hear how much the prez loved Jerry's ride. Have never seen the show, but plan to look it up and catch this one. One of the 'coolest' cars ever. Sold it for $1500, (and bought a '55 Chevy wagon, with big Buick engine, custom interior and a 'floor shift') and now they go for over $75,000. Oh well.... 


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